
Respiratory infections including Coronavirus (COVID-19): staying well and protecting others

How to reduce the risk of respiratory infections including coronavirus (COVID-19) to keep ourselves and each other well.


Respiratory infections including COVID-19 can spread more in indoor places. It is important that we keep doing the things that keep us all well.

To protect yourself and keep others well:

  • if you have symptoms of a respiratory infection, try to stay at home and avoid contact with others – if you do need to go out, wear a well-fitting face covering
  • get the vaccine if offered to give you the best possible protection
  • follow the NHS guidance if you are feeling unwell – and know how to get the right care in the right place
  • socialise in well-ventilated spaces where possible
  • give more space and care around those using the Distance Aware scheme (wearing a badge or lanyard)
  • consider how many people are gathered in spaces and try to avoid overcrowded areas
  • wash your hands and clean surfaces regularly
  • look out for spaces that display Stay Well Signage to let you know what measures they are taking to make spaces safer for all
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